Don't get mad, get even.
We’re all angry about this tax monstrosity. It is practically an encyclopedia of things to get mad about, if encyclopedias were storehouses of venality instead of knowledge.Don’t get mad, get even.And...
View ArticleDon't expect Trump-Russia to save us
We probably all agree (okay, not the trolls, but the rest of us) that Trump needs to be removed from office. None of us voted to make him president in the first place, because his politics was...
View ArticleThe State of Trump's Dementia
Trump is scheduled to give his first State of the Union address soon. The address itself is unlikely to give us more information about the much more pressing question of the state of the president’s...
View ArticleTrump's Law Replaces Godwin's Law
I feel it appropriate to recognize this moment in our great nation's intellectual and political history, in which a president of the US has felt the need to claim on Twitter that he is a mentally...
View ArticleThe Democratic SOTU Response
The Ds have chosen Joe Kennedy III to deliver the English-language response to Trump’s SOTU. This isn’t even good messaging, even if messaging were an appropriate response in our present crisis.Giving...
View ArticleThe Breakdown of Our Political Institutions
gtomkinsJan 29 · 11:46:51 AMThere is nothing to disagree with in the Katherine Miller Buzzfeed piece cited in today's Pundit Roundup. I highly recommend reading the whole of her thoughtful and...
View ArticleWelcome to Weimar
The SOTU itself was completely predictable. Nothing new or unexpected. The Rs had telegraphed weeks ago exactly what their strategy was going to be. Write a somewhat toned down speech for Trump and...
View ArticleTrump Under Oath
Trump simply cannot answer questions under oath without disastrous consequences. He suffers from dementia, so he can't answer questions on topics much more complicated than what club to use off the tee...
View ArticleTrump's Diary: 6/11/18
What the fuck does an asshole need to do to get fired by the American people?Okay, first line of my diary, and already we confront the need for an f-bomb warning. If strong language offends you, fuck...
View ArticleTrump's Diary: My Meeting with Rocketman, 6/12/18
Military experts will tell you that a retreat is the hardest maneuver to bring off successfully. So in today’s diary I have to deal with your inevitable disappointment that the two crazy autocrats...
View ArticleGetting Rid of Roe v Wade: A Political Question?
Getting rid of Roe v Wade presents the Rs with obvious political problems. This is true in the sense that that there could be a backlash hurting their side’s elected officials. But it’s also true...
View ArticleBlowing another alibi
Eschaton today has a post about Don Junior’s long-standing explanation for the June 2016 meeting with the Russians, and Trump’s tweet today demolishing that alibi. Don Junior says the meeting wasn’t...
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